Sharing knowhow in offshore wind construction

SEA INSTALLER at Gunfleet Sands Demonstration Project

The Gunfleet Sands 3 Demonstration Project involved A2SEA’s SEA INSTALLER transporting and installing two Siemens 6MW turbines at the DONG Energy-owned and operated wind farm. Located off the coast of East Anglia, the project gave all three companies the opportunity to bring their latest technology to the table, and put it to the test. Continue reading

Choosing a transport and installation supplier

Though relatively young, the offshore wind industry is maturing quickly. As more and more players enter the industry, the need to align standards and processes across the industry is vital. To help decision makers in the offshore wind industry become better prepared and informed about crucial elements of the value chain, we will be documenting our vast knowledge and experience in a series of Best Practice Guides. Each guide will deal with a different aspect of offshore wind installation or service. This article introduces the first of these guides, outlining what customers need to know about choosing a transport and installation supplier. Continue reading