On 1 September, Kirsten Bank Christensen started as Head of Group HSEQ at A2SEA. Kirsten has been working with onshore, offshore, construction and service projects in the wind turbine industry since 1996. For the past one and a half years, Kirsten has worked in a similar position in Hamburg, Germany, as HSEQ Director for SAL Heavy Lift.
At A2SEA, Kirsten’s particular focus is on the strategic and operational development of the HSEQ area – accelerating A2SEA’s objective of becoming an HSEQ point of reference within the industry.
“I’m passionate about people’s safety and I believe all accidents are preventable.”
A word from Kirsten Bank Christensen
I like the entrepreneurial spirit of A2SEA. It’s a comparatively young, fast-growing company where I can put my own fingerprint on its further development. The company’s mission of providing the offshore wind industry with safer, sustainable, and more cost-efficient operations matches my own philosophies and I look forward to contributing to those goals.
In my experience, when critical quality parameters are not followed there is a substantially higher risk of gaps becoming safety-related incidents. Therefore, I am a strong believer in prioritising proper planning and due diligence, which are valuable contributors to preventing poor performance and possible harm to people, property and the environment.
To optimise our business performance, we have to focus on sharing and implementing best practices and lessons learned. We are no stronger than the weakest link, and our means to strengthen our performance lies in our success to fully integrate HSEQ in all we do, through cross-functional cooperation and local ownership within the organisation.
My top priority is, naturally, to ensure people’s safety. A robust HSEQ culture is our way forward and I look forward to involving our organisation on land and water in taking our HSEQ programs to the next level.
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