Sharing knowhow in offshore wind construction

Quicker and quieter

In January 2014, six companies got together to test the use of vibration piling as a quieter, faster way to sink monopiles into the seabed. The results aren’t finalised yet, but what’s the current status?

RWE Innogy, E.ON, Dong Energy, Vattenfall, EnBW and Bilfinger Marine and Offshore. When a line-up of companies like this gets together to support an innovative project, you would expect them to make quite an impact. In the case of this pilot project, however, the situation is quite the opposite. Continue reading

The start-stop challenge

By Kaj Lindvig, Senior Advisor, A2SEA A/S

Stable, long-term policy support and almost super-human planning skills are must-haves for any industry that involves projects as large and as lengthy as today’s offshore wind farms. Perhaps understandably, getting that kind of support in place is no easy task – particularly with the number of stakeholders and considerations involved. The result, particularly where the German market is concerned, is a bumpy, start-stop ride whose costs implications have damaged the industry’s reputation and attractiveness to investors. Continue reading