Sharing knowhow in offshore wind construction

Governments must stop messing with renewable energy support mechanisms

By Thomas Becker, CEO, EWEA

When you spend money on something, you expect to get something back. If you spend it on a house, you expect to get somewhere nice to live – and if you sell it later on, to make a reasonable profit. If you are a financier looking to invest millions in an offshore wind farm, you expect a return on your investment. If that return becomes uncertain, you will put your money elsewhere. Continue reading

The start-stop challenge

By Kaj Lindvig, Senior Advisor, A2SEA A/S

Stable, long-term policy support and almost super-human planning skills are must-haves for any industry that involves projects as large and as lengthy as today’s offshore wind farms. Perhaps understandably, getting that kind of support in place is no easy task – particularly with the number of stakeholders and considerations involved. The result, particularly where the German market is concerned, is a bumpy, start-stop ride whose costs implications have damaged the industry’s reputation and attractiveness to investors. Continue reading

The power of working together

Increasing demand. Larger and larger wind farms. Higher capacity turbines. New foundation types. The offshore grid. These are just a few of the key issues currently being discussed by Offshore Wind industry insiders.

In a relatively young and rapidly growing industry such as Offshore Wind, collaboration is essential. But carefully guarded information silos and a lack of cooperation between project participants are just two factors that can hamper are more open and collaborative approach. Continue reading